Our special animals...


Although Zoey, our Zebra wasn't here for long, the impact she had on our lives was enormous... Life was just a little bit brighter everyday when we fed her. Life was just a little more fun every day when we petted her. Life was just a little bit more exciting every day when we watched her play. Life was just a little bit more beautiful every day when we saw her. Yes, Life was just a little bit better when Zoey was around!

We will miss you Zoey, but we will treasure the memories you have given us!


These photos pretty much say it all! Domino was a part of life at Sierra Ranch. Whether you were in the tack room or out and about the ranch - Domino was sure to tag along.

Our cats and dogs were never lonely as long as Domino was around. And, as you can see they all had clean ears and were meticulously groomed thanks to Domino!

We will miss our Domino, he gave us so much joy!